Archive for February, 2008

Friday, February 29th, 2008

One Rampaging Beast of a Week…

Apologies for slight radio silence, but I’ve been fixing things up. See, next week is World Book Day week – and in the UK’s NATIONAL YEAR OF READING, to boot. The Enthoven was busy last year I hear, but that was /nothing/ on what I’ve got going on this time. Listen to this: This MONDAY […]

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2008


Another tremendous session, this time with the Teenage Reading Group of Stamford Hill Library (just a short walk from where I live! Hurrah!) And what a great group they are. At the start of my talks I always explain that what’s going to happen is basically down to my audience: I have some readings prepared, […]

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Thursday, February 21st, 2008

Creeping ’em out in Croydon

Just returned from an excellent session with the Teenage Reading Group at Selsdon Library in Croydon, South London. I did four readings – two from Black Tat and two from Tim – and discovered in the process an unfortunate side-effect of the ongoing recovery from last weekend’s dental shenanigans: I kept spitting, by mistake! Now, […]

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2008


I tell yer: assuming someone’s identity? It ain’t all gravy. Apologies for lately bloglack, but last weekend I made a grisly discovery: turns out that, before (heh!) his life-plans were suddenly and fundamentally changed by yours truly [see ‘THE ENTHOVEN IS DEAD’, right], unbeknownst to me the Enthoven happened to be having a problem with, […]

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Thursday, February 14th, 2008

‘And the winner is…’

…Erm, not me! ;p As you may have read by now on the Waterstone’s site, their Children’s Book Award was won this year by Sally Nicholls, for her debut novel WAYS TO LIVE FOREVER. Here’s a pic of her making her prize acceptance speech… …and here’s a link to an interview with her on the […]

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2008


Sorry for lack of bloggage these last few days. The reason is that I’m rapidly becoming a total basket-case… Back in October ’07 I received an astonishing piece of news, namely that TIM, DEFENDER OF THE EARTH was to be shortlisted for the 2008 Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize. For those who don’t know, Waterstone’s is […]

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Saturday, February 9th, 2008


Q&A time again, and this Guestbook question comes from Louise at Ashington High School, who asks: “Do you base your evil characters on things you don’t stand for or dislike?” This is an excellent question, and the subject of baddies is one I find especially fascinating: HUR HUR HUR! 😉 When planning a story with […]

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Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Absolutely AWESOME

Anyone reading this with a long memory (so not me, then: I have to write everything down!) might conceivably remember that the Enthoven mentioned back in September on ‘is Black Tat News page that he’d been invited to an event to do with a brand new book prize – the Lewisham Book Award. Today was […]

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Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Caution! Contains SPOILERS!

I’ve just returned from an excellent session with the Chatterbooks reading group of CLR James Library, in Hackney’s Dalston Lane. What a great group – and so full of fantastic questions! I spoke for about forty-five minutes but the time flew past so quickly that I only had time for one reading! My thanks to […]

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2008

Lurking in Liverpool

FLOOF. Well, ‘ere I am back again in the Enthoven’s North London crash-pad, making myself at home and leaving nasty pink stains on ‘is sofa, HUR HUR HUR. But I have to tell you, my first visit to Liverpool was AWESOME. First event of the day was a forty-five-minute session at Range High School, Formby. […]

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