Archive for January, 2010

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

My First School Event of the Decade!

Here are some quick pics from my first school event of 2010, namely six talks with the awesomely enthusiastic pupils of Market Bosworth High School, Leicestershire. Here I am (above) getting into it. I’ll have you know I had to leave my eyeballs charging all night to get that maniacal gleam. Here, below, is one […]

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Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Bwa ha. BWA HA HA HA HA!

With the launch for CRAWLERS closing fast I think it’s time to drop a little hint as to what the book might contain…! Isn’t this an amazing image? It’s from the Picasa Web Album of an urban explorer called Steve. Here’s what he says about it: This sewer actually passes very close to or directly […]

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Thursday, January 7th, 2010

PLR Hurrah!

Having malingered, gleefully, for the full holiday period, this has been my first week back at the desk – and I’ve just had some brilliant news. My PLR statement has arrived. PLR stands for Public Lending Right – a count of how many times my books are borrowed from libraries each year. Of course PLR […]

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