On Monday I finished draft three of PHASE THREE and sent it out to my agents and editors. Afterwards I was so weirdly and utterly knackered that I seem to have spent most of the week asleep: today’s visit to Mossbourne Community Academy was, therefore, a much-needed blast of adrenaline and glee, as I think these pics will demonstrate. 😉


Here’s me above doing some relatively restrained introductory arm-waving at the start of the talk. As anyone who follows this blog or who’s seen me do my stuff will know, this is actually strangely low-key and undemonstrative for me. But don’t worry…


As the excellent questions started to flow from today’s awesome audiences from Mossbourne’s Year 7, the old energy started coming back to me. And soon enough…


Yep, here I am back at full speed, looking like I’m either directing traffic, dancing with someone who is very tall and invisible, or, possibly, doing an impression of a Dalek.

This was my last school visit of the academic year, and it was a great one to end up on. All three groups were fantastically welcoming and enthusiastic. Also – and this was particularly brilliant – at the end of each session, thanks to this initiative, everyone I spoke to was given one of my books for free, to keep and (I hope!) enjoy over the summer holidays.

My thanks to Ms Berggren for inviting me today (and for taking these pics!) But thanks, too, to everyone I’ve met at all my school visits this academic year. Every single one was an absolute hoot, and I’m eagerly looking forward to more. 😀


Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Me and THE WEBSPHINX would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at the Tim, Defender of the Earth Guestbook for current or Tim stuff, or The Black Tattoo Guestbook for Black Tat stuff. First (or demon-!) names only, please. 😉