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Return to Marcus Garvey Library!

Today it was my great pleasure to return to the Marcus Garvey Library, to speak (for the second time!) to its excellent Teenage Reading Group. Supreme ninja librarian DAMLA, the sinister mastermind behind the Marcus Garvey TRG(!) always creates wonderful posters and literature to promote events. Her flyer for the Enthoven’s previous visit was a very fine thing, but this (above) was an absolute beauty. Thank you, Damla!

To my delight, two of the young people who were there last year had come back to see me again — and seemed to have no trouble recognizing me even though I’ve hardly got any hair these days! (;p Together with the other attending members of the TRG we had a fine natter ranging over all sorts of topics, including the nature of horror in fiction, poetry, punctuation, and the process of submitting one’s work to agents — plus, of course, the indisputable fact that reading is the SECRET KEY TO THE UNIVERSE. Special thanks to Deko for bringing me in the copy of her school magazine with the interview she conducted with me last time (YAY!) And thanks again to Damla for inviting me back. I’m already looking forward to next year — except, yikes! I guess I’d better get on and write another book! 😉

Currently Reading:

DEATH IN THE AFTERNOON, by Ernest Hemingway

FLAT EARTH NEWS, by Nick Davies

and (slowly-!)

A STUBBORNLY PERSISTENT ILLUSION – The Essential Scientific Works of Albert Einstein, ed. Stephen Hawking

Favourite human word of the week: GRUMOUS – ‘1. Of a fluid, esp. blood: clotted, viscid.’ (New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)


Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Me and THE WEBSPHINX would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at the Tim, Defender of the Earth Guestbook for current or Tim stuff, or The Black Tattoo Guestbook for Black Tat stuff. First (or demon-!) names only, please. 😉