Today’s big event for me was a visit to Jo Richardson Community School, in Dagenham, Essex – one of the finest-looking and best-equipped schools at which it has been my privilege to do my stuff so far. The JRCS Boothroyd Hall, where my sessions were held, in particular, is absolutely jaw-dropping – take a look:


This pic’s a bit dark, but the whole of the rest of the school seems designed to be as light and airy and modern as possible: it looks fabulous, and its facilities (particularly the music department) are nothing short of stunning. But my positive feelings about the place were more than matched by the impression I got of the JRCS students, who were without exception an absolute pleasure to speak to. Each of the three sessions bubbled and fizzed with energy and enthusiasm – and questions, on everything from inspiration to Batfink. Awesome!


My thanks to Miss Meek and Miss Foreman for inviting me to JRCS and for making me feel so welcome. My thanks, too, to the students: I hope you got something out of listening to me – I certainly enjoyed speaking to you.


Wow. What a week it’s been. I am absolutely shattered, and just like last year (ew) someone I met at one of these events has left me with a powerful cold to remember them by! My nose is running like a tap, I feel like I’ve been punched between the eyes, and – now all the day’s coffees are finally wearing off (thanks, Heather!) – I’m drooping like a puppet whose strings have just been cut. But when I think of all the terrific young people I’ve met this week, I couldn’t be happier with how it all went.

As an author of books for young people, I sit at my desk and write books that I think young people would like – or, more accurately, what I think /I/ would have liked when I was eleven to fifteen. But of course, I’m an adult: separated by years, there’s no way of knowing whether my stuff is really getting across to my audience unless I take it out to schools and libraries and bookshops and actually put it to the test. Speaking to young people – listening to their questions, discovering their concerns and interests – is a crucial source of inspiration for me and my work. I’d therefore like to offer my thanks to every single young person I’ve spoken to over the last five days.

Sincerely. Thank you.

-So: just one more event now remains before my second World Book Week as a published author comes to an end. Tomorrow is a bit special: it’s the gala opening day of a brand new independent bookshop in my area – The Big Green Bookshop, in Wood Green. As you’ll see from their blog if you click on the link, samurai booksellers Simon and Tim have been working flat out to get everything ready in time – I can’t wait to see how it’s all turned out! Do come down for a natter if you’re in the area: I’ll be there (to help celebrate!) from about 2pm.

But now… now I’m going to fall into a deep sleep. Hope I can muster the energy to turn the computer… off… before… I… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;p


Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Me and THE WEBSPHINX would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at the Tim, Defender of the Earth Guestbook for current or Tim stuff, or The Black Tattoo Guestbook for Black Tat stuff. First (or demon-!) names only, please. 😉